Archive for July, 2012

The easy and user-friendly Red Beard 2 game

Red Beard 2 is a game where a little red guy with a beard has to jump onto the stairs and get the colored coins. The game looks so easy, but it is really not. As you go along the different levels, it has more difficult challenges to conquer. At first, water is the only hindrance to your goal, but as the level increases it becomes tougher to accomplish your goals. There are some stages that you have to avoid the spikes, the cliffs and also to defeat the monsters. This is really a great game with good sound effects and with different variations in every level.

In most of the level, you will encounter water where you will end up falling into and have to rush yourself as long as 5 seconds in getting up from it. And if 5 seconds expire you will die and start the level all again. The good thing is, what you will repeat is only the level you are working at the moment and not the levels you already encountered and accomplished. But sometimes in the latter level, this is quite annoying because latter levels are not really easy and it is really hassle if you start the journey from the beginning of that level again. But that is one of the good points of this game, you really have to be accurate on what you do, you have to plan first your strategy before doing everything. This will help in requiring people to think first what they should do and also consider the consequences on what will be the result of what they did.

In Red Beard 2, the player will have to collect the colored coins. Those colored coins have their correspondent colored platforms. Once you collected the colored coin, its correspondent platform will move to different directions. This will help you in getting up and moving into a higher platforms and places. This will also be needed in accomplishing your goals. Also, in every level you have the so called Potential Score. This is the score you have to reach at the end of every level. You need to have as much as that score or more than the potential score to pass the level. And if you fail to reach the Potential score, you have to start the level all again.

Basically there is a potential for drowning in some of the level, and you must come up for air in the span of 5 seconds or you will die. Luckily under the water, there are some bricks that where placed strategically in order for you to continue moving forward in the level and get some air at the same time. Those bricks are for the player to stand and jump from when they are underwater. Skills, tactics and sense of time are your key to succeed on this game. A lot of levels need a player that moves really fast. You can use this when you fall into the water, when there are falling objects, when moving around the playing area. The player really needs to be skilled and familiar on the controls to use in doing different moves. The player can control this Red Bearded Man in his quest by using the arrow keys to move around. You can make him jump using the space bar. Only few keys are used in this game, but you really have to be familiar with it.

Children, teenagers and adults, will surely afford to play this game because it is a user-friendly game. There are no difficult instructions to understand. You will just have to press the arrow keys to move the character, press the space bar to make him jump, let him get the coins and achieve the potential score. What a player need is to be attentive and know how to move in a strategic manner. It is also a good enhancer on a children’s mind. Because this game will help the children think in a step by step manner. They will learn to express logically their actions that will result to a better one and will result to achieve their goals. It is also a game that will help them plan for their goals and also find ways in achieving their goals.

Red Beard 2 is basically an easy game. But it is not just an easy game instead a MIND game. This is for the reason that the player will learn a lot and also will enjoy every moment he spends in playing this game.

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Fun and excitement in playing Free Rider 2 codes

Is there a way to increase your logical reasoning with fun? Can children develop life skills such as decision making and understanding social relationship can be honed just by playing games? Will an online game relax the worrying adults? Free Rider 2 codes game has the answer for it. Create your own flash games by drawing your own beautiful tracks in various attractive color codes of your choice. Ride any vehicle of your choice with the help of explosion bomb on the map. Save the drawn track which is shown as a small floppy disk icon. Submit the tracking page to your own track code. As an expert rider, you can bring in all your creativity and earn in dollars! This demanding game requires skill and expertise, and with practice, you can ride over toughest tracks and emerge as a winner. Surely, it is full of excitement and fun in playing.

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