Search for a concrete answer in TPE2: Pursuit

Escape games have been slowly but surely getting the attention of gamers around the world due to two reasons. One is because of the game play that gamers are able to experience. Two is because of the challenge of searching or finding certain stuffs to be successful in the game. One perfect example is the game called TPE2: Pursuit. Do you have any hints or ideas about this game, if you are clueless, it is fine. You will eventually know basic details about it later in this article.

TPE2 Pursuit

The role of the player in this game is a lost guy who will find his way out of the creepy and dark place he is in. He must utilize all the necessary stuffs scattered in his surroundings. Try to figure out a way to the safe zone before the place creeps you out. The main key in surviving the challenge of this game is focus and presence of mind. Good luck and search a way out.

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