Play the growing sport in Legend of Ping Pong

Are you familiar with the sports called Table Tennis? It is like the miniature version of the popular sports called Tennis. This sport has applied the basics of Tennis and the differences pertain to the location of the sport and the tools used. In this sport, the players will be playing on a table unlike in Tennis where grass or clay are the usual location. The players also use a smaller racket and smaller ball which is called Ping Pong. This is a growing sport which means that it is gaining popularity around the world as well as people are becoming aware of its gameplay. ITTF or International Table Tennis Federation is the governing body of the sport. Do you know that there is a flash game version of this sport? Yes, there is. The name of the game is Legend of Ping Pong.

The goal of the players who will be engaging with this game is to simply follow the objective of the actual sport. You will play against a computer. Choose among five nations which you want to compete in first. This flash game has been following the official rules of the real sport.

Legend of Ping Pong 2

Legend of Ping Pong

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